Jun 19, 2012

Marion Shaffer & my opinion of Pole in the Olympics-

As owner of Art of the Catwalk founded in 2006 and one of the first independently owned pole studios to survive from the beginnings of Pole Dance as exercise in the United States; I have watched every body type and walk of life cross thru my doors. I have seen pole dancing literally change women's self esteem, turn them into die hard fitness fanatics, and recharge their social life. I agree that Pole is a sport just as strenuous as gymnastics and much more physically and mentally demanding than Curling. Being a sport it requires great strength, flexibility, and stamina. Pole dancers practice methodically for hours to perfect their craft, and by all measures I would like for it to gain its recognition in the Olympic arena. I do however have reservations about people viewing pole in such a sterile environment. To properly judge a pole performance in an Olympic setting we must create a Rubric and strict guidelines on judging pole and critique hand placement, form, and overall performance. Without this guideline it would be extremely difficult to judge one pole dancer/acrobat against another without it being a popularity contest. Currently this is how some of the current pole competitions have been judged as a beauty and sport competition similar to competitive bodybuilding or figure competitions. This rigidity would in my opinion suck the life out of pole performing because part of the beauty of pole is the fact that each person can add his/her own spin on their performance and tricks to make them their own. I guess I am torn because I unlike some love the grass roots of pole dance and sincerely appreciate that it's the "Sexy Stuff" that has women flocking to pole classes and not the gymnastic side that some studio owners hide behind. I guess you could say I am appalled that in our country as studio owners we are afraid to express sensuality as women, and hide behind the term "Pole Fitness" to save ourselves from being judged as strippers, when in other countries even more conservative than the US such as the United Kingdom and China aren't afraid to show their sassy side.

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